
Want to learn Arabic-Is one year abroad in the Middle East+daily study enough to be conversational/advanced? Similar stories?

I need help figuring out the correct way to say, in the correct sequence, the translation of a word.

I just made /r/languagecheck, an alternative to lang-8.

Having trouble rolling Rs

All courses or one course?

Do You Do or Don’t You?

What are some counter-arguements against “everyone speaks English anyway”?

How to prepare for my immersion course in Quebec a year from now?

Now Learn to speak Spanish through an audio CD I Learning Spanish CD Released

Todos tienen un acento (sí, tú también)

The Best Way to Learn Spanish: A Process That Works for You

Got some questions about how you guys go about learning Spanish.

How important is accent?

French/Portuguese driving resources

Duolingo Redditors that are higher than level 15, how's your fluency?

How do you make the most of an immersion program?

Learning vocabulary

There was a Tumblr post making the rounds about a language that was a mix of lots of other European languages - can anybody help me find this? Figured you guys would know

Tips for remembering names in an unrelated language?

What is your experience with teaching seniors English or a foreign language?

HelloTalk online status

Kollektivet: Music Video - ÆØÅ

Any tips for someone just about to start learning Fusha Arabic?

Are Arabic accents different languages?