How to prepare for my immersion course in Quebec a year from now?

ted 4 minutes ago by Hello_Im_In_Delaware To say my French isn’t very good would probably be an understatement, in high school I never really tried but like a lot of things I’ve since realized that I really wish I had. A year from now I’ll be heading to Quebec City to do an immersion course for 1-2 months. I don’t want to head there knowing nothing, so I’d just like some advice on how to prepare. My plan was to watch at least an hour of French tv/movies a day, be using my Duolingo on my breaks at work or my other small free times, listen to French music/podcasts while I walk my dog. As well as I’ve been looking at going to an adult education centre to upgrade my grade 11 French. Is their anything else you guys would suggest? Is this a good plan? Any tips with it all?

submitted by /u/Hello_Im_In_Delaware
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