
I've been learning Chinese for 1 year and I found out that 90% of the native teachers on Youtube are female and 90% of foreign teachers are male. Does this happen for other languages too? And why is that?

Beyond Vocabulary

Should I learn Maori, Quechua or Basque?

In general, do you find analytic languages or synthetic languages easier for you for you to learn?

New Duolingo update begins the process of adding grammar tips to mobile.


Classical Latin

Why did I wait all this time?

“Bob Books”/Brain Quest/Scholastic Learning Tools

Conflicted over whether to pursue Mandarin or Japanese first given career pursuits

What is this teaching method called?

Native Speaker Exercises

Listening is my weakest skill in Spanish. Any recommendations on how to improve?

Is it true that learning languages opens you up to different ways of seeing the world?

What resources do you recommend to help me learn German?

Questions on Assimil Active Wave and literal translations

I'm a solo developer who made Kanji Drop - a Tetris-like game where you can learn and/or practice Japanese! For all skill levels! Free for iOS & Android!

Which flashcard format is best for bilingual kids and language learners?

Do you not find online language exchange a bit... uncomfortable?

I made some Tinycards for German learners who want to expand their vocab :D