Do you not find online language exchange a bit... uncomfortable?

I tried a language exchange site for a while, but I only lasted a couple of days. There's something so awkward to me about how artificial it is, as a social interaction. Like... every word I say in my target language, I feel like I'm using them to learn. After all, they're there hoping to be able to speak in English to practice their English. So I always stop talking after a few minutes because I just start to feel so selfish, and I don't know what to do. Do I literally just stop and declare "okay we are switching to English now"?

How do you handle language exchange? Do you do it very formally, like on odd days you speak in their language, and on even days you speak in yours? Or is there some way of being more casual about it?

submitted by /u/gaiajack
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from sewayo | Languagelearning
via Learn Online English Speaking
