
Question for people studying Japanese

Which language should I start learning? French or German??

How do I stop translating in my head?

Why is the list of countries for the "Popular" feed so limited and skewed?

People say that the best time to master a language is in high school

How to learn Swiss German

Vietnamese pronunciation is crazy hard

Has anyone tried Pimsleur?

When Google Translate asks: 'did you mean x' and you click on it and it still doesn't translate anything.

Is there any premade sub2srs decks to learn English

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【Vocabulary Building 】Common&Popular Chinese ADJECTIVES you need to know

Learn Chinese Cooking Vocabulary and A Classic Chinese Recipe - Tomato Egg Rice! :)

I feel like i give up :(

How come my accent has never improved even though all my friends are native speakers?

My weird success story with learning English

What language can be easiest to start for a beginner to be able to read literature?

What’s the best comment a native speaker has ever given you?

SVCC Languages

Is this a reasonable approach to learning Latin?