Is this a reasonable approach to learning Latin?

I'm interested in Latin primarily because I love Roman history and Greco-Roman philosophy, (a lot of ancient Greek for the later, I know). I've never seriously attempted to learn a second language before, so I'm looking for advice on how to do it efficiently.

I figure I can give my attempt to learn Latin about a half-hour a day (I'm an adult with a full-time job and many other commitments), so I'm looking to get the most bang for my studying buck

My idea is to start by reading 20 minutes of "Lingua Latina per se Illustrata," each day, and then taking another 10 minutes to enter new vocab into Anki and review what's already in there.

Is this reasonable?

Also, I'm not really sure on pronunciation. How will I learn it if I'm just reading? Do I need to if my primary goal is to be able to read the Roman classics? I doubt I'll find any Latin speakers around me to talk to.

submitted by /u/RusticBohemian
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