
Back to the Drawing Board meaning 🎨📋 [idiom]

How would you approach relearning a language you used to know?

Tough vs Strong 💪

Which language is the healthiest to learn for the mind?

I am planning to learn Spanish so i would like know what resources would be the best to start . As for the level of expertise in it , i want to read, write and speak like a native speaker also will it be of any help if i learn Portuguese after that .

Those who speak English as a second language often have different accents - but is the same true in reverse?

Would learning Arabic get me added to a government list?

Where can I find an Arabic teacher for this book?

Is anyone else accent deaf in their target languages?

What is something you struggle to wrap your head around in your target language?

Fun method for learning languages... comic books + translator.

Should I strengthen my second language before learning a third?

Do native English speakers deserve to live?

Are native English speakers are linguistically boring ?

Would there be demand for a Slavic Language Discord server?

What foreign language pun of yours are you most proud of making?

Study English in United States or Canada

Cheapest country for English language school in Europe?

How much progress do you expect an average learner of a language will make in a year?

I want to learn Arabic! Anyone know any good apps?

Need Russian language consultant for a short song.

How much would it help to know Chinese when learning Japanese and vice versa?

Japanese “ji” question

Transitioning from literacy to listening comprehension