Should I strengthen my second language before learning a third?

TL;DR: Should I strengthen a near fluent language before beginning a third? Why or why not?

I’ve been speaking English and German since I was around 7 years old, i’m 19 now but my German could use some work. I would say i’m near fluent in reading and speaking but my spelling could use some work.

I’m very interested in learning Japanese or Russian as I find them both intriguing, but I figure I should learn Spanish first as it’s easier and probably more useful.

Only thing making me second guess starting a third language is that my German is kind of elementary. Now that im older I find it tough to hold intelligent (ish) conversation and I also struggle with expressing myself due to a lack of certain vocabulary.

Could I learn a new language while simultaneously improving my German?

Anyways thanks if you got this far.

submitted by /u/ToniRonison
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from Γειά σας | Languagelearning
via Learn Online English Speaking
