Those who speak English as a second language often have different accents - but is the same true in reverse?

Hi all, this is my first post here, so please do forgive me if I’m not quite as tactful as I should be. But this is something I’ve wondered about for a very long time.

Those who speak English as a second language often have accents, sometimes thick accents that may be hard to understand at times. But I wonder, does this work in reverse? If I wanted to learn Japanese, for example - which I do, so if there are any suggestions for that, I’d love to hear them - but I’d anticipate to struggle in my early days. To a Japanese ear, would I come across as hard to understand?

I’m sure the answer to this question is embarrassingly obvious, but I am still curious. I really should start learning another language already.


submitted by /u/rawrsthehusky
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from Γειά σας | Languagelearning
via Learn Online English Speaking
