
English TV shows in French

[English grammar] Toward, inward, westward... when are you supposed to add an s?

Development of languages?

Recruitment Redditors: Any language proficiency test that I could take and put on my resumé?

Newspaper reading app with translations?

Linguistics in Wash U or actuarial science in university of Missouri

7 Benefits of Learning a Foreign Language

Anybody else have the problem of wanting to consume mostly english language media instead of target language media?

Watching videos with subtitle or not?

London by season: what to do come rain or shine

Words Beyond Translation: Ichi-go Ichi-e

Question about hearing the quick short sounds in a new language?

Three hours a day, how to schedule?

Does anyone have the new Assimil German course (2014)?

anyone know a good speech to text program?

When you immersed yourself in a new language how long did it take before you could understand what was being said?

How to learn Russian?

Resources for improving written language skills?

Why are some non-native English accents attractive and others not?

Should I start learning Chinese or IT first?

Nod off - How to use this phrasal verb - feedback appreciated!

Learning Czech, anyone?

I love singing songs in languages that I do not speak or understand. Feedback and requests are welcome :)

Not sure if this is the right place but I was told I tend to "swallow" my words and when I speak , people dont understand me. Its affecting my spoken language. How do I improve it?