Not sure if this is the right place but I was told I tend to "swallow" my words and when I speak , people dont understand me. Its affecting my spoken language. How do I improve it?

I can speak English fluently and can arguably write and perform better in English in comparison to even my mothertongue. My third language is German. I didnt realize how serious until recently.

I joined Toastmasters back in college in Malaysia and I knew how to deliver a speech but I focussed more on the technical aspects and the members knew me personally so there was barely any mention about my vocal clarity.

This problem carried onto my German and its really stressing me because people who arent used to me cant understand me.

This is is just how I speak and I got several similar remarks even when I speak my native language but I kinda shrugged it off and took lightly of it. So its not about my accent that causes people not to understand me.

I want to build a career in business and management and am planning to take a fourth language soon, but I need to get rid of this problem first.

Is there any vocal training for it?

submitted by /u/hydes_zar94
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from Ontitokaaha | Languagelearning
via Learn Online English Speaking
