
Flashcards entirely in L2?

HSK: Everything You Need to Know

Who cares about titles anyways

Which Algorithm is Better? SuperMemo’s or Anki’s?

If young people (in the UK) like Europe so much, why don’t they learn any languages?

Drunk me bought this. Voldemort delenda est.

I managed to find books to learn finnish in my local library! Wish me luck :)

Where can I find german free story books for kids?

i'm scared to learn korean lol

Should I rotate my secondary languages or should I focus on one?

What combination of language learning tools have you had most success with?

Source for Natural Mexican Audio

How to learn vocab through reading ?

Help me collect Russian mnemonics to help remember words!

Duolingo, Sleep, and Programming

Lesson plan for a comprehensible input classroom

What do you guys think about FLTR ? Any tips on how to use it effectively?


Sinhala learning materials for a work experience placement?

Online Spanish Classes