Should I rotate my secondary languages or should I focus on one?

Hello everyone,

Because I've taken on four languages over the last four years, I've come to the point where I'm intermediate or lower intermediate in the three languages I consider to be secondary to my Chinese. (French, German, and Spanish.) I would like to improve these languages, but I'm not sure how I should structure in order to learn them more efficiently.

Currently, I'm learning Chinese everyday and one of the other three. I rotate between those three everyday. I was wondering if it would be more effective to simply focus on one until I reached a level that I was happy with, then switch to another one and continue like that, or would it would it be better to rotate between them, perhaps on a different basis such as every three days, weekly or monthly?

There are a few pros and cons to both systems as far as I can tell.

Rotating allows my to practice all three on a much more regular basis than focused study on one. This might help off set my level declining more rapidly than it otherwise would, but the downside to this I never get change to really look at a language in depth. I get to practice it for a few hours a day then I have to wait two days before I can practice it again. One upside to this method is that I rarely become bored with my secondary languages if I rotate them.

The focused study method obviously would allow me to improve one of the three more quickly than rotating would, but it comes at the price of not practicing my other languages at all. How long would I focus on one of the three to get the most out of it? I could be studying it for months at time. That would mean effectively dropping the other two, which I'm reluctant to do.

I know there is no right or wrong answer to this, but I would appreciate your feedback on this matter. I've been feeling like I'm at an inpass with my learning of these languages recently. It's almost as if I can't take a step forward without taking two steps back first.

submitted by /u/Davethepieman123
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