
Anybody else have the problem of wanting to consume mostly english language media instead of target language media?

Watching videos with subtitle or not?

Question about hearing the quick short sounds in a new language?

Three hours a day, how to schedule?

Does anyone have the new Assimil German course (2014)?

anyone know a good speech to text program?

When you immersed yourself in a new language how long did it take before you could understand what was being said?

How to learn Russian?

Resources for improving written language skills?

Why are some non-native English accents attractive and others not?

Should I start learning Chinese or IT first?

Nod off - How to use this phrasal verb - feedback appreciated!

Learning Czech, anyone?

I love singing songs in languages that I do not speak or understand. Feedback and requests are welcome :)

Not sure if this is the right place but I was told I tend to "swallow" my words and when I speak , people dont understand me. Its affecting my spoken language. How do I improve it?

How to threaten in Russian.

Legal English

What is only available and accessible in your language?

Tips to Learn the Arabic Language Easily

B2 test!!