
Hey, I am looking for some good Czech youtube channels with English subs.

Is there a single word or last name that means "follower of God" in any language?

An overview of AAVE grammar, pronunciation, and history

Can ‘than’ be used as ‘then’?

Sharing this here too. Frustrated.

What apps do you reccomend?

Does any have any German resources

Does anyone have any advice regarding supplemental resources?

How to overcome the "lag" in target language listening?

Learing English

New idea: a learning tool focused on pseudo-conversation

Do any actual polyglots here have some tips on learning languages?

After an hour of frantic vocab learning, I successfully translated the first page of the Neverending Story!

Which language should I pursue at University: French or Arabic

I think I've finally "bootstrapped" my target language.

Looking for resources to learn Czech

What would you suggest After finishing an Assimil Book ?

I LOVE learning a new language

What is the most tonal language in existence?

Found in a used bookstore for .70$ in perfect condition!