New idea: a learning tool focused on pseudo-conversation

I came up with this like an hour ago so it definitely needs to be refined lol. I'd ask to crowdsource the conversation pieces. Probably starting with English and French (currently learning). Hmm maybe I'll just save the responses in other languages as I get ready to expand..

Aaaanyway, it's kinda based off duolingo's conversation section. It'll be a bot but instead of just following along a conversation or translating a response, the user would have to formulate the actual sentence from the gist of the expected response that would sustain the flow of conversation.

Rudimentary example: BOT: How are was the party last weekend? YOU: (fun but neighbors complained) BOT: Aw that sucks, what did you all do? YOU: (dog pooped, smell made them leave) BOT: Ah, truly man's best friend.

So obviously the idea needs to be refined but I came up with it like an hour ago lol.

Background: In my endeavors of improving my skills in my mother tongue (Bangla) I've realized the most difficult thing for me personally is trying to formulate sentences on the spot. I'll get there after thinking about it for a minute but I find it frustrating - half the fun of learning languages is expressing yourself!

I'd like to hear your thoughts and suggestions! I'm leaning toward starting it as a website and later creating an app.

submitted by /u/seensham
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from Dia dhaoibh | Languagelearning
via Learn Online English Speaking
