What would you suggest After finishing an Assimil Book ?


I've been learning arabic with the Assimil method, i really enjoyed it and was really fun.

I'm now at the advanced book lesson 30 but i'm really tired of it, i often say to my self "i'll do it tomorrow", the lessons are getting pretty long and i feel it more like a pain than a pleasure to work like before.

Yet i don't have a good enough level to watch things directly in arabic (and it's even harder to find classical arabic content rather than dialects) i don't know much where to go, and even if (or when probably if I stop complaining) i finish the 90 lessons of this book, i'll still be facing this same problem.

So, would you have any method to suggest, or maybe a way of working to make this fun ?

I currently use Assimil + Anki for vocabulary, i have a grammar book and i read sometimes tweets in arabic with traduction and watch some youtube videos when i find some...

Thanks :)

submitted by /u/Jeanmoulin64
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