
Worth taking a proficiency test?

What is the name of this French grammar book?

How Long Did It Take You To Be Comfortable Speaking?

Let me introduce the amazing Dongba Pictographic scripts

How do I test my level?

Learning Esperanto language will open doors to see the world. Please look how beautiful this is.

Is this site reliable?

Motivation from the weirdest places

Learning Japanese and Korean at the same time.

Learning to read / write Chinese without learning to speak/listen?

What to do with corrections?

Help please!

Mandarin or Japanese ?

Learning IPA(International Phonetic Alphabet) is worth it

You know you're good when people stop complimenting you

Studying to be a translator. Can’t decide if I should study German or Japanese.

¿Do you want to improve your spanish? I looking for a partner to continue learning.

Tips for L-R newbie learning German?

Popular Chinese confirmed by the eye contact 确认过眼神

Would you say that i have gained a decent level of understanding English?

What is the easiest way to begin learning Japanese?

Can anyone recommend some good books in French, preferably with lots of modern French.

what do you enjoy about the language you're learning?

New version of Romance dogs (now with every branch!)