
Please help me with a French verse.

A moment

Help with Italian pronounciation!

I’m starting to self learn Chinese while learning more Spanish

Self-learning French

It’ll be fine...

Seek Language Acquisition First, Seek Love After

A way i was thinking of helping each other out.

Second Language

Help With German

Has anyone learned Bulgarian? Any good tips/resources, preferably online?

LPT: Using Instagram often? Search for a hashtag in your target language (e.g. #LearnEnglish or #ApprendreLeFrançais) and follow to spice up your timeline with new language learning posts.

PLT: Using Instagram often? Search for a hashtag in your target language (e.g. #LearnEnglish or #ApprendreLeFrançais) and follow to spice up your timeline with new language learning posts.

Education is accessible to everyone, everywhere to those who really want it 🚀

Maltese Resources

Want to get a bit more used to your new language? change your phone language!

Critical Language Scholarship 2019

What's an aspect of a language you used to have difficulty with, but now find much easier?

Audio flashcards or just text flashcards ?

Modern Greek resources?

Local pronunciation changing to be easier?

What's the best text book you've ever bought for your language?

I’d be grateful if anyone could give me some tips on how to make my Korean handwriting better :)

Those who have successfully gone from Modern Standard Arabic to speaking a dialect: any tips or resources?