
How do you get over the initial hurdle of learning a language?

Most underrated platforms for learning Spanish in a fun way?

Writing prompt: fictional heroes - tell me about your sidekick (encore II)

LLY - take your language learning through Youtube videos to a new level

Why did I score better on an online grammar test for Hebrew compared to Spanish?

6 Gírias em Inglês

Help understanding possibly slanderous remark from a esl neighbor

Working on my Russian - Would Love Some Feedback/Help - Day 3/60

Text to speech with pause control between sentences?

5 easy ways to learn a new language

🌊Check out the Japanese words you already know🍙🍣🍤🗾

Afrikaans morpheme map.

Grammar vs vocabulary

Looking for an exchange with a German who's learning Brazilian Portuguese.

Started learning Japanese and just finished hirigana.

My first experiance with Rosetta stone review.

Fluent Japanese speaker ! Help !

What’s the best method to learn russian?

Which language should I learn?

Which is the best way to watch movies in language your learning?