Help understanding possibly slanderous remark from a esl neighbor

I have a neighbor in my group home who is always upset and swearing at me. He has an accent but commonly says something that sounds like "fookin pende" at me. It sounds like "pen deh", "pennay", or something like it.

It's annoying, but I'm more curious what it is he's trying to say. I don't know what language it is but I'll try to describe him if it helps and the pc police aren't triggered.

I don't intend to offend anyone, I'm simply curious. I'm also aware of rule 7 and am not trying to imply the following are generalizations, but instead hope that they may be associated enough with a particular culture to help identify the language and thereby the meaning.

  • he commonly eats fried plantains
  • sounds like he's speaking Spanish.
  • the music he likes to blast when he's using the kitchen sounds south American.
  • seems south american or middle eastern.
submitted by /u/lightsilhouette
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