
Cloze deletion... just fill in the blanks or is there more to it?

Question about difficultly level of a book I’m reading

How to efficiently populate vocabulary lists on the fly?

Which is easier for an English speaker, Dutch or German?

Rosetta Stone to Learn French?

how or where can a brazilian learn english with a advanced knowledge?

Finding Similar Content in Another Language?

Cześć - This week's language of the week: Polish

What do you call the "Learn it, review it the next day, and then again in a month" technique?

Which is easier to pronounce for a native English speaker, German or French? Would either of these cause damage to the persons ability to speak?

Does anyone have ideas on how to practice language production by yourself without using written material?

I need help finding a PDF version of this book for my class

I wrote a program that makes Chinese calligraphy worksheets for you!