Cloze deletion... just fill in the blanks or is there more to it?

I'm looking to use cloze deletion with anki to learn some Spanish grammar. An example sentence would be something like They had just arrived when I saw them or in Spanish Acababan de llegar ellos cuando yo los vi. What I want to focus on is that particular use of had just or acababan de. So, I cloze that out. We get They ___ ___ arrived when I saw them -- the clozed words of course being had just.

Ok, so if I can produce had just when my card comes up, awesome. That seems to be the way people do it. Is there anything else I should study? For example, should I have a second card that prompts me to produce the entire Spanish sentence? I don't need cards for acabar de specifically I don't think as I already use it in the present. I'm really trying to link it to it the when I saw them and how its used in this context.

submitted by /u/ThatsJustUn-American
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via Learn Online English Speaking
