
Do native speakers of Russian tend to be able to give a more native pronunciation of Irish?

[Academic] Linguistics dissertation survey (18+ US resident)

Those who have learnt languages with cases systems, what is the best strategy for learning the cases ?

Bilingualism [José R. Alonso, University of Salamanca]

What are these symbols? I don’t know if this is a language but it’s the only thing I can think of or some kind of hieroglyph.

Does learning the IPA increase the rate of progression when learning a new language?

I want to learn another language, but I like doing it alone.

Is Turkish or Arabic spoken more in Germany?

Lists of phrases and idioms

Learning Mandarin and Japanese at the same time?

Beginner in Russian

Beginner Russian

I am studying Translation in university and my second language is Russian. Thing is I havent had lectures in over a year and the ones I did were beginner lessons. Is reading books good to get back into the language and prepare for next senester?

Every language learner's dream

Are there any good online custom vocabulary quiz sites you know of?

I know I shouldn’t do this but it’s hard to stop thinking in English

I don’t feel interested learning my language. Give me advice please

Big 4 (or 6, non-English) European languages, raning, opinion, etc...

My first step to try and learn German: the almighty Duolingo

Duolingo: Tagalog - Looking for contributors (x-post /r/Philippines)