
Does anyone mind using my busuu referral code so we can get premium? it needs atleast 5 friends to accept the free trial 🥹

how do make writing practice more easy? Even with sample questions. I spend a lot of time thinking of what to write.

[Source of content]Pressreader

Are there any time tracking apps that you can recommend?

How to get rid of annoying accent, that makes me sound non-native?

Language Learning and Friendship: Any Platform Recommendations?

Any experiences/tips for turning bilingual passivism into fully bilingual?

Why are A words hard?

Did someone try Falou?

Summer camping in the UK

Parler Français...SVP Pourriez-vous écouter la note vocale et y répondre ? Je vous remercie.

Flashcard generator?

Can you actually learn a new language through Duolingo?