
Help learning German

Learn an English Grammar Pattern for Expressing Possibility in the Prese...

Is there any online dictionary that can show the meanings of a word simultaneously in different target languages?

(Video) Is Chinese still worth learning in 2019? (HONEST answer)

I just uploaded my Dutch Anki decks. I posted on r/learndutch but I figured there might be people in this sub who will also find it useful.

Is this an effective way to learn vocabulary?

What's one language learning tool you wish existed

On Anki, are the words automatically pronounced like on Memrise or Quizlet?

Making progress again, free app, and AMA

Tips on how to avoid mixing German and French up?

DLAB to become a 35P

Besides Duolingo, what’s another good way to learn a language?

Let's help out this linguist!

What countries/cities have your found your language studies to be useful?

Simplest explanation of nasal vowels: pretend you're going to say an "n", but don't

Polish books?

My language switched and it's damaged my mother tongue

Learning Spanish in Mexico City?

What's a good mobile app for learning Russian?

I can give one hour per day to learning a language. What should I do? Will this be enough?

Production Tips

Thought this fitted here - An article from El País criticising the difference in subtitling between "Spanish Spanish" and "Latin-American Spanish"

Oh spanish...

Wesaþ hāle! My first two resources for learning Ænglisc. I'm excited to start. Anyone else learning Ænglisc here?