
Newari/Newa words "F" - Newa language is spoken mainly in Kathmandu, Nepal and other parts of Nepal.

Help us name our sexy language service

¿Como de diferente es la lengua romance que estudias de las otras lenguas romances que conozcas?

Are there any modern movies with Welsh dubs?

English is one of the few languages with insults for smart people

A third language for pharmacy industry

‘Ki’ and ‘Shi’ Writing Help

How to become more intelligent

Tae Kim's Guide to Japanese / Luke Park's Guide to Korean - Where can I find more sites like these?

Would learning a language one isn’t particularly interested in be beneficial for future language learning?

Starting to learn a language

This language is the 11th most spoken (>75,000,000 speakers) and there are no resources

How can I usefully expose my child to a language that I don't speak?