
The fundamental principle of Anki card creation

How to think in another language?

Maintaining several languages

Offering: Free Spanish Trial Lessons from Native Teacher via Skype/Hangouts

cant decide whether to learn czech or norsk

Help about learning two languages at the same time

Learning a language online when your own language is not popular

False Friends.

Recommendations for Quebec immersion program

How difficult is German in comparison to French and Irish?

Advice Needed! What language should I learn next?

What's the fastest you guys learned Spanish?

Found a French restaurant in China with this sign. Great practice for two languages I'm learning!

My partner and I wish to learn both Japanese and German, in that order. We wish to learn enough to be able to have relatively decent conversations in both within 2-3 years. Is this plausible?

What do the lyrics here (written in Korean I believe) mean?

Reccomendations for Spanish audio courses

Studying a language to the AP Level

Populating your flashcards

Finnish learning resources needed

Sing, Learn and Practice this beautiful song "L'amour est bleu" will help you to improve your French.