
Tips for Home Learning | Remote & Distant Learning Tips

Looking for a friend to help me learn French

NEW! Free 10 minute Welsh lessons for beginners. Live at 3pm (BST) every day on Facebook.

where can i learn Egyptian Arabic online for free?

notebook vs flashcards

I am roughly a week into learning japanese i have memorized all hiragana characters and their sounds what should be my next step?

I wrote lyrics for a song. Can you help me to discover mistakes?

Its turret, not turrent...

What do Words ‏Mout, Halak and Marhum Mean, do These Mean Death? Structu...

is "basic notebook + practise with context" effective way to learn new words and phrases? are flashcards better?

Language Exchange Thread March 30, 2020

Hey guys! I’m looking for some fun YouTube channels that teach German, in German!

When using flash cards (like Anki), is it better have the foreign word shown, then you answer with English? Or is it better to have the English word shown, then you produce the foreign word?

thought this could help some people!

Anyone else using their quarantine time to study their target language more?

Bosnian, Serbian, Croatian and Slovene language differences?

Voice-to-voice translator needed!

The Latin of post-Classical periods

Добродошли - This week's language of the week: Serbian!

which of these books will benefit me and which won't be worth my money?