
Is there a way to get the Living Language Ultimate Italian audio?

You get to instantly learn 10 languages of your choosing, but you forget and can’t learn the primary language of the place you live in. Do you take this offer?

Does anyone know a good translator app? English -> French

Is there a cheap/fast way to get a TEFL certification?

I ask this out of ignorance. If one speaks words from a language of which only very little survives, and these words are used alongside words from another language, are you still considered a (Insert language) speaker?

As a thank you for an awesome first week and great feedback with Language Roadmap, here's some more content discovery features!

This is the most accurate video I’ve seen about learning a new language.. anyone else feel this to their core?

How do YOU use anki? Interested in other people's strategies. Here is an example what the front and the bank of my anki cards look like. When I reach a card, I try to describe the scenario in the picture. I also write down each scenario and read them aloud multiple times.

Which language is the easiest to understand, when it comes to regular daily conversation?

Torn between two languages

I just took a practice test online that says I’m still a beginner in my TL. (German)

Do you write in your textbooks or separately?

Sites like Lingopolo