
Does anyone take any general supplements or nootropics when studying? Which ones, which brands, how did you discover them, why do you take them and how do they benefit you?

Sign aphasia is a condition associated with ___ people . I wrote brain damaged instead of deaf in the blank and it’s wrong. But why?

English grammar

I am not sure if this is a right platform to ask this question, but

Can I do a Line or Skype conversation with someone that speaks Japanese?

Does the Pimsleur Method work?

I'm participating in a korean poem handwriting competition, and this is my work (practice).. Will this work (honest opinion and constructive criticism appreciated)

Video Tribute to Moses McCormick, (LaoShu505000)

Did anything change for you?

Anyone else struggle more in their native language since learning a second language?

Open-source Web App for Practicing Chinese Tones

The #1 tip I'd give to anyone trying to learn a new language...

Understanding Old Literature