
So I'm slowly making the switch from beginner to high level beginner/intermediate and decided to check out the japanese newspaper and I come up against this monstrosity. Would be cool if someone could also translate that specific kanji too lol

Bought some manga to help with Japanese immersion! 6 more volumes, but I want to finish and be able to read this book in 6 months :)

Anki all the Romance languages at once

Milestones in learning languages

Intrusive language thoughts playing in a loop in my head?

Is it better to prioritize learning a language for potential career benefits or because of personal interest?

A frustrating language plateau.

The original script for Konkani language was Goykanadi script. The language corresponding with it is the Devanagari script.

Relearning Latin

Learning Urdu

How do you maintain a long term relationship with language study partners?

Music is the best communication mode of language. Tian Mi Mi | Teresa Teng | cover by Dani. Hope u will enjoy the song.

Pre-Made Anki Deck for Pimsleur Eastern Arabic?