
Bought OPM in Italian!!

Very indecisive on which language to learn..

Rate my essay and command of English

The world largest countries

Anyone has a list of English vocabulary sorted by most to least commonly used words ?

Learning Egyptian Arabic for my Mum

Any good sites for online language tests?

Writing prompt: AU - a head for numbers

Where to learn krio ?

Thought you guys might get a kick out of this. Words in kwakwala that are super similar. With alphabet for reference

Wikipedia can be a good resource

Reading along with audiobooks

Can anyone help me remember this old language learning story?

Why Is It So Hard to Speak with a Different Accent Naturally?

Learning Korean and Japanese

Next book on the reading list

Reverso and Anki

Learn Business Chinese Lesson 18 Marketing Strategies part one 营销策略(上)

I want to learn Simplified Chinese. What are the steps to get started with?

Rate my command of English.

Don't Forget to Neglect Other Hobbies

Japanese: Best materials for self-study as someone who is about to begin learning the language.

Who want to learn the German language ??????

Has reading actually increased your vocabulary?