
Do you guys know any online English-Romanian dictionary? ( preferably one that also provides exemples of the word use )

Speed Learning a language over one week, one month, two month, three month, six month, and one year intervals? What competency can one realistically hope to develop over these periods of time, and...( continued below)

Learn Chinese by watching native Chinese tvshows with the built in learning mode feature

Language Learning Process, How Should I Approach this or is my Current Method Good?

We all make mistakes when learning...hopefully yours aren't as bad as mine.

Offline learning

Is better to learn Norwegian or Swedish to understand other Scandinavian languages?

Anyone speak/write in Samoan? I need help writing “I hope you feel better soon. Sending you love.” Thank you❤️

Trevor Noah Teams with Duolingo to Teach Zulu and Xhosa to the World

How manageable to learn German and French together?

Tips to learn Korean?

Tool to check pronunciation?

What is a good free language learning app to learn Thai?