
Austrian Guy wants to learn Modern Standard Arabic - how to start?

I'm An English Teacher From Melbourne, Australia And This Video Will Help With Distinguishing 'A' And 'An'

Third season of Port: a program dedicated to traditional Celtic music. Languages featured: Scottish Gaelic, Irish, Breton, Asturian, Galician, French, Spanish, English

Tip - Listen to audiobooks in the language you're learning. (You can actually get three free from Audible)

My daughter wrote me a card in our language.

Speaking practice in flight

Most major Romance languages don't require double negative for forming a negative sentence. But how did French ended up having it?

2-3 months in Madrid: Mission "Oral Communication"

Little study tip: make your grocery list in your target language (Tell me your odd study tips!)

How long did it take you to reach: B1 (in months please) and C1 (in months too please)?

Is there a vocabulary book that covers english, korean and simplified chinese?

Any help with some Dari/Farsi?

LingoDeer Schedule???

Friends for learn english by the Skype ( I am brazilian)

How to track progress in self-study?

IPA Help needed! What is a ~ used for in the IPA (between sounds)

Any recommendations/resources for last minute language study on the plane ride? Italian and French

Is there any way to pay for italki using Apple Pay??

Would you guys recommend Italki for absolute beginners?

Any translator app for French...