
Multi-lingual offline dictionaries for Windows?

You know it’s bad when the teacher starts rewriting it from scratch instead of just adding edits

Language Learning Without English / Translations

Looking to relearn french

Arabic WhatsApp group chat

How to learn Latin when you’re fluent in other Romance languages?

Is there a way for me to learn Spanish?

Third language

Organizing Resources

After a little over a year, I’ve passed my C1 german exam and am going to be studying at University next german! Today was my last day of language class and I baked this for the potluck. Celebrate with me! :)

Do you think it's harder to understand spoken French or Spanish?

If someone is currently learning Hindi, then hmu sometimes. Im a native speaker so i think it will be good to have someone like that you can talk to?!

40 day Duolingo streak on Arabic and finally finished the course!

Is it possible to learn another language using cellphone app like duolinguo?

Are there any other languages that work by using word endings?

Helpful resources for learning Hungarian?

What's the objectively easiest language for any speakers?

Learn French Faster With This Playlist

Google sign language AI turns hand gestures into speech

Learning Russian