
Is there any evidence that 98% is the optimal level of comprehension for language learning?

How do alternatives to Latin's binomial nomenclature work in your language?

Android app, Learn French with Mosalingua free for 2 days.

Plenty of languages have gendered words Plenty don't. What has your experience been moving from one to the other?

Everyone that's learned a language in under a year, how did you do it?

Why SOV languages so hard to learn

I wrote this short, illustrated humorous story about how easy miscommunication can occur--I hope you enjoy :)

Some additions to the Indonesian Morpheme Map by u/mayor123asdf

Manual to learn Tibetan

If you want to request a morpheme map for a specific language, ask for it here!

How to learn Spanish?

A Kurdish Course on Duolingo - Support our initiative!

Why am I stuck at English and how do I get fluent?

Here's one for Vietnamese - English comparison

Hodor morpheme map, hodor hodor hodor, hodor hodor

I noticed you guys like morpheme maps so I made one for Finnish :)

Memrise teaching me everything I need to know about Italian

Do Paul Noble courses approximately match the level of Pimsleur?

This is a video of me speaking Indonesian for the first time after studying intensively for 7 days. I hope you can help correct my mistakes. I am looking forward to learning more of Indonesian language and culture and hope others who are learning Indonesian got inspired. Terima kasih !!!!!!

Icelandic or Norwegian?