
How do all noun caaes work.

Baba Easy Spoken English Baba Alexander Live Stream

Language Learning Server at 60!

How good is Duolingo for Spanish? Is there anything more efficient?

Can someone share a recording of the following czeck Phrase?

Gascon from the Pyrenees

Has anyone taken speech therapy for a foreign accent?

Time schedule for learning/maintaining 3 languages

Keeping a 2nd language

What is the oldest language ?

Any Tips on how to learn a New language .?

When Google Translate doesn't work and everyone looks at you...

How much learning before paying for online tutor?

I'm working on a detailed overview of Spanish grammar and am willing to pay for quality proofreading. When we're done, I'd like to post the masterpiece here for free access.

I feel like I'm losing fluency in English as a native Arabic speaker. Why is this happening and what can I do to stop it?

Please some one help me to interpret what this excerpt means? English isn't my language and im feeling furiously stupid

(Flashcards) Using Emojis for Translation Instead of English

StudyGun key giveaway! (10 keys for Oculus Go owners)

Traits of good beginner language textbooks?

Will I ever be able to have a conversation in the language I've been learning for 10 years?