
Lacking Basic Vocabulary

what is the best app to learn french?

Learning Welsh resources

Does anyone have PDFs to all of the French Assimil books?

How important do you think idioms are?

Italian YouTube Channels

Why do non native English speakers of different backgrounds have a much easier time communicating with each other than with native English speakers?

Best language learning app?

Portuguese & English words that are spoken/spelt similar/the same [Animal Edition] - Please Check it Out! I learned a lot.

Any research that shows the link between learning the language of the adopted country and health, job, integration, etc.?

Is Malay the lingua franca of the malay world?

What’s the best way to learn how to pronounce the ”breathy sounds” in British English? (e.g. the “breathy” part after the P in “p(h)ear,” represented with the h here)

Hablantes nativos de español - ¿puedes oir errores en este video?

How the heck can I learn Spanish at 30?!

Going on a 24 hour drive what’s best way to utilize this to learn Spanish?

For a native portuguese speaker: Is there really any shortcut to learn Spanish?

Which could I learn faster - German or French?

Some great entertainment while learning

Learning spanish vs learning hebrew?

Starting to learn Arabic