
Word of the Day - denounce

Is Disney + good for language learning?

Can pimsleur make you fluent or C1?

Learning Bangla

How can I increase my active vocabulary?

English Writing website

Subjectively, how would you rank the languages of the world by their best literature and entertainment?

If you want to learn Chinese , contact me, hope make more friends here.

Question related to dialect to connect with family.

How fast do you learn a language and become conversationally fluent? (Doesn’t matter whether it’s Chinese or Spanish. Just on average how long does it take)

I’m always frustrated trying to use google translate to conjugate verbs for informal you. I found out this little life hack...

Hey guys so I wanna know if my pronunciation is correct on these languages. Just wanna make sure thanks very much

Arabic dialects | Similarities and Differences (To what extent do they understand each other)

How do you memorise the spelling of words you keep failing to remember?

Does improving listening comprehension in your target language improve comprehension in other languages?

How do I study essential vocabulary?

What to use to learn college level Spanish

Is there any free sites/apps to learn vocabulary fast?

If I learn 2 more languages, will I forget one of them?

What are the difficulties that someone who's learning Swedish might face?