
Someone to practice French?

How does one ACTUALLY go about learning a second language?

Beautiful french quotes about family

How do I take notes from a language textbook without rewriting the whole thing?

I made an ABC, playful Dutch song.. What you hear is wat you see.

Wordhippo and Forvo

What word/sentence printed on shirt would you buy for your language learning friend?

What are the benefits of transcription?

Just had an experience that reminded me why I do this


Modern Hebrew - Help

Language acquisition

An American from New York wrote a language handbook to help both native English and French speakers understand and speak Québécois, the common tongue in Québec. He spent over a decade exploring the Québec language and culture, and included over three thousand words and expressions in his book

How important is music to you in language learning?

How important is "extensive listening" at the intermediate stage of language learning?

How can I learn as much vocabulary as fast as possible? And how can I learn to understand real life speech in that language?



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Getting started with a language