
Suicidal man preparing to check into hospital is worried about his Duolingo streak.

Is every language in the world connected to eachother?

question about the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)

how do you practice the international phonetic alphabet (ipa) of your target language?

Intelligibility between Japanese and Mandarin Chinese #1 case: Mandarin Chinese→Japanese

Have you ever tried to pronounce a tonguetwister in the language(s) you‘re learning? If so, was it easier or harder than one in your native tongue?

How to make punctuation in a text ?

Learning Turkish through Azeri

Crowdsourcing best language learning materials


How to achieve making the sound of a French “r”

The best app to learn English?

Can anyone help me find out what this ring says/means?

Italian Learning App

my native language

Xefjord's Languages with Ling App Review

Khmer and Burmese

Need books to learn spanish

So confused on the E umlaut in Russian... Can someone help me?

Target Language Handwriting Style