I completed my first day of properly studying Croatian!

Got my new textbooks and CD course from Croatia yesterday, and decided to get stuck in right away. Perhaps frustratingly I only managed to get in 30min study when the original plan had been to do 60-90 minutes, but I'm not in any real hurry so it's not a massive deal.

I'm actually really happy with the progress I made even in this short time though. Managed to make myself an alphabet sheet, mostly for handwriting practice, and then I managed to complete 3 pages of the actual textbook minus the CD listening, plus an exercise in the workbook which goes with it.

Best thing is, I am finding I'm picking up the new vocabulary (probably 1/3 of what I was reading was new or unfamiliar) very quickly and my recall is pretty much spot on. :)

submitted by /u/rabmfan
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