How can I approach learning French?

[NATIVE English]

I, previously, was attempting to learn Russian for a short amount of time. I learnt the alphabet, cracked some words and phrases and began to understand the grammatical structure but ultimately lost interest. I have recently sparked up the interest to learn a language again and after attempting Russian, I have a clearer mindset as to why I want to learn French this time and why I think it'll be easier.

  • I did probably 2-3 years of French in primary school in private, paid, after school classes. I and my group actually got quite far into the language as for how young we were (somewhere from 7-10 years old). We learnt numbers to 100, understood masculine/feminine, learnt words and phrases too.
  • Also did 3 years of GCSE French from years 7-9, although I will admit I didn't care for French at that stage.
  • After proving to myself I COULD have learnt Russian which is definitely a much harder language, I'm confident I could probably progress in French fairly quickly.
  • Despite all this prior French knowledge, I have forgotten a large chunk of it. I can count to probably 40, say a few words and phrases and just about get by in a French shop but thats about as far as it goes these days.

The main and real few questions I'd find awesome if you guys could answer follow:

Does my prior knowledge in French (even though most of it is forgotten) give me and edge? i.e. will I be able to rebuild some of the lost connections memory-wise in terms of the stuff I used to know quite quickly? Has anyone experienced this?

Im most interested in hearing stories of people like me who once had knowledge in a language, lost it and then re-learned a few years later. Did the prior learning help you relearn the language or did it make no difference?

On top of that, if you could recommend any good online courses, CD courses or book for vocabulary for a relatively low price, that would be amazing!

submitted by /u/MTBmadness
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