Advice on learning how to be an interpreter

Hi!, I live in Oregon. I love languages. I want to get certified as a court interpreter in Spanish, Mandarin (I have experience in both languages), and maybe registered as an interpreter in Korean as well. I would start with Spanish certification (again I'm not starting from scratch). I have a few questions

btw, I'm neither Chinese nor Korean, just fyi

  1. would membership with a translator/ interpreter group be worth it?
  2. Would I get any work in interpreting Chinese or Korean if I am qualified enough?
  3. What would be your biggest tip for learning how to interpret? I've done some informal consecutive interpreting.

Ideally, as I stated earlier, I would work to get certified in Spanish, then other languages.

your advice is appreciated.

submitted by /u/will_38
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from Jó napot kívánok| Languagelearning
via Learn Online English Speaking
