Evidence for early reading-based learning from real novels instead of grades readers and such?


Currently a fan of this one but the guy hasn’t updated in like 5 years+ so I was hoping for another one or even just an article detailing someone’s experiences with this method.

If you haven’t seen his blog, the method revovles around jumping into reading adult novels (I don’t mean it in a sexual context. Just big boy books with no pictures) really really early in the language learning phase. He does pretty much no grammar work after the first few weeks and seems to switch between extensive and intensive, regardless of his actual language proficiency. It’s an interesting idea that I would like to follow but sometimes I get afraid that it isn’t working that well.

Currently a B1-B2ish Japanese student and so while I can read a few paragraphs with no problem from a detective crime novel, there are always parts that throw me off and I just can’t parse em. That makes me unsure of this strategy so any links or success stories that you guys can provide would be cool!

Edit: forgot that a key component is keeping a translation of the novel close at hand so you can get through those tough parts.

submitted by /u/FoolishDog
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