Advice for Hindi Individual Study?

Hello! This is my first post to this sub after lurking for a while. Sorry to start off by requesting help, hehe!

TL;DR: University student (Foreign Language Major) wants to study Hindi but has no access to native speakers or classes; what are some good alternatives/advice for self-study?

So I'm a first-year university student with a major in Foreign Language, French concentration. My native language is English. I'm a bit of a linguaphile and I love to study languages. I've studied a lot of languages for fun as passing interests but the only one that has stuck for me, so far, is French. It's the only language I would say that I am studying to the point of fluency and right now the only other language I'm dabbling in is Middle Egyptian.

For years I've known that I'd like to, someday, speak multiple languages. Two or three — nothing too ambitious. But I've never had a concrete idea as to where I should start next. However, I've recently taken an interest in Hindi. And I think I'm going to set my goal to learn it. The problem is - my university does not offer any Hindi courses. I live in a fairly small city in the US; my university is pretty prestigious as far as smaller ones go, but the only languages available are a handful of European (French, German, Spanish, etc.) and only one non-European (Japanese).

So my that is my dilemma. I want to study Hindi to fluency... by myself. I know it's possible to do this but I'm wondering what the best way is. I wish I could take classes but since that is off the table I want to know if there is any other (cost-effective) way to learn it on my own.

What are some good textbooks or programs?

Any recommendations as far as YouTube channels, websites, or movies?

Has anyone else on here learned Hindi from English, and if so, what did you do to achieve fluency?

What are some techniques for breaking the barrier and improving speaking when one cannot speak to others in person?

And just... overall advice? Thanks for taking the time to read my post! I can't wait to hear back. x

submitted by /u/sunsetkitsune
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