Trying to decide which language to take?

I am studying linguistics at my university and they require me to learn at least two languages (One indo-european and one non-indo-european) so I am at a crossroads right now. I learned Spanish in middle and high school and got up to about a B2 level, and took a year of Italian at university and got to about B1-B2, so I have had the chance to learn a few languages before. Now, though, I have to do one that is non-indo-european. I am going to take it over the summer for 3 hours a day for 2 months, so it will be intensive and immersive. I lean towards ASL because I am interested in the structure of it, but I also think learning something like Mandarin could be really interesting and a good challenge. If anyone has any experience in learning NIE languages and could suggest one and explain why they recommend it, that would be amazing!

submitted by /u/Only-Cranberry3559
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