need help from anyone who learn't 2 languages at same time?! don't know what to do

hello, I have been learning korean for 3 years now with a teacher online as there is no one here that teaches korean but all of a sudden they started doing Japanese lessons at university where you end up getting some grade. I started attending the Japanese lessons and thanks to korean i have excelled so fast due to similar particle and patterns, only issue is how best to approach it now. Japanese feel into my lap and just took the opportunity but my real love is for the korean. Is studying the both a idea or just best to do flash cards for the korean and focus on japanese or return to korean once the japanese lessons and uni come to an end? ( i can read fluently in korean understanding around 80% so another idea was to just use korean as entertainment whilst studying japanese). please help!! kinda lost haha

submitted by /u/Fickle-Debt7525
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