Second language for university

First post there, even if I often lurk, lol. Anyway. TL;DR at the end.
I'm a freshman in the Asian languages (well, the full name is "Oriental Languages and Cultures" since we study ex. arts, literature, etc too) major in my university, having chosen the Japanese course. It's very hard but I love it lol.

The problem is... that we have to choose a second language too, which we are supposed to start from the second year. You can choose to continue it in the third year, too, but most people don't. I don't plan to, either. I'd rather focus on improving my Japanese. But we still have to choose one, so I chose Korean because - correct me if I'm wrong, obv -, it and Japanese got a similiar grammar somewhat, and hangul are supposed to be easy. I can still change my choice before year 2 starts, but I'm unsure if I should.

The other options are Arabic, Bengali, Chinese (I guess Mandarin?), Hindi, Persian, Sanskrit and Tibetan. I like how Chinese and Hindi sound a lot (I like Korean too, obv. But if I could I'd not learn either since it seems like it'd be time better used on improving on Japanese...), but Korean sounds a lot easier considering that I won't choose to continue none of the 3 anyway. I like Hindi, but Chinese could help with kanji, I guess? While Korean would be easier to learn, I guess.
So... yeah. Which of these three is a better choice? (I don't like the other options much, tbh.)

TLDR: We *have* to choose a second language in our university - my first one is Japanese -. Which'd be a better and "easier" choice, or that'd help more with improving on Japanese, between Chinese, Hindi and Korean?

submitted by /u/toryn0
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